Jo Freeman

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Inauguration Photos by Jo Freeman

Part V - Protestors found something to do even when there wasn’t anything to protest

The National Park Service issued eight permits for "first amendment activity" in federal parks and along the parade route. Before the day was over I managed to locate four of them, but could only get close to two.

McPherson Square

McPherson Square was activist central, but there wasn’t much traffic.

Washington Peace Center

The Washington Peace Center moved its 4,000 "HOPE" signs to the intersection of 15th and H Sts. where there were a lot more people.

Lafayette Park

The Coalition for Peace had a different idea of "peace" than the Peace Center...

fenced in

...which it proclaimed from behind the security fence at Lafayette Park.

several groups

It was hard to talk to the public walking on H St. from inside the fence.


The Coalition was made up of several groups...


...united by their dislike of Islam.


ANSWER had a permit for a bleacher on Freedom Plaza.


Most of those who had coveted spots on the parade route could not be seen from behind.

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