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Inauguration Photos by Jo Freeman

II - Pre-inaugural Protest

The day before the Inauguration was also Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and in keeping with the tradition of non-violent protest it was one last chance to protest Bush #43. When George W. Bush made his last trip to Iraq a reporter with Cairo-based network Al Baghdadia Television threw his shoes at the President – the supreme insult in that culture. Muntadar al-Zaidi became something of a culture hero to everyone who opposed the invasion of Iraq; throwing shoes at Bush images became popular all over the world.

Shoe Bush

A group calling it self Shoe Bush hosted a rally in Dupont Circle on
January 19, followed by a march to the White House.


The Bush balloon

On January 18, a giant balloon effigy in a flight suit with a Pinocchio nose was inflated.

collapsed Bush Baloon

The Bush balloon had a little trouble staying erect.

Bush Balloon ready to go

                 Ready to meet the public....

Shoe Bush

...which was ready to Shoe Bush

Raging Grannies

The Raging Grannies open the rally on January 19.

Code Pink

CodePink does the CanCan...

Watching Raging Grannies

...while others watch.

Premable to the Constitution

People add their own sentiments to the Preamble to the US Constitution.

Wold Can't Wait

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

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