Jo Freeman
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The 2008 Democratic Convention by Jo Freeman

Outside the Pepsi Center

Sissy Farenthold and Jo Freeman
Sissy Farenthold and Jo Freeman stand outside
the Pepsi Center before Tuesday night’s session.

Police guard entrance to Pepsi Center
Police guard the entrance to the Pepsi Center at the end of the Sunday march

Inside the Pepsi Center

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama was the star attraction on Monday night

Hillary Clinton
as Hillary Clinton was on Tuesday night

Seats were full at the Convention
Seats were full every night

Protests were numerous throughout convention week.

The Sunday March
The Sunday march was seen by few

Randall Terry Randall Terry and his pro-life colleagues outside the
Colorado Convention Center were seen by many

PETA outside the Colorado Convention Center

The CodePink construction crew on Denver’s 16th St. mall

The police were (almost) everywhere.

Police taking a break
Throughout the week, clusters of police were
on the streets even when they had nothing to do.

Jodie Evans
Police kept CodePink from entering the hotel where Emily’s List
was holding its function. Founder Jodie Evans speaks to her group.

Pro and anti- choicers
But they weren’t around the corner where pro
and anti- choicers battled it out on the streets

More Photos of the
Democratic Convention

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