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The 1984 Democratic Convention

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Celebrating women

Feminists inside and outside of the Democratic Party promoted the idea of a woman for Vice President for over a year before the convention. They got newspaper columnists to float the idea in the media and persuaded politically important people to take it seriously. By the time Mondale announced his selection of Geraldine Ferraro, a woman on the ticket had an air of inevitability.

Millie Jeffries wears the message her button reads woman vp now

Millie Jeffries wears the message

Women celebrated on Monday at a fundraiser for women candidates held in the San Francisco Opera House with Mondale and Ferraro as the featured guests. The Democratic ticket was greeted by some two thousand joyous people, mostly women.

Mondale and Ferraro with a group of women behind them on a stage

Mondale and Ferraro with a group of women behind them on a stage

On stage were several dozen feminist luminaries and female politicians.

Other prominent women also made their appearance.

Mondale and Ferraro with a group of women behind them on a stage

Bella Abzug hugs Gerry Ferraro. Next to her are Dorothy Height, founder and
President of the National Congress of Negro Women, and Walter Mondale.

Mondale and Ferraro with a group of women behind them on a stage

Betty Friedan with Walter Mondale.

Congresswoman Pat Schroeder of Colorado speaks after the guests of honor leave.

Congresswoman Pat Schroeder of Colorado speaks after the guests of honor leave.

The Women's Caucus

Chaired by Bella Abzug the Democratic Women's caucus met every morning. They debated many things, particularly the five minority reports to the platform. Although the platform is usually written by people chosen by the winning candidate, five planks proposed by Rev. Jesse Jackson or Gary Hart got enough votes on the full Platform Committee to be considered on the floor of the convention.

Bella Abzug prepares to speak as others applaud

Bella Abzug

Jesse Jackson speaks for the Women's Caucus

The women's caucus exploded with enthusiasm
when the Rev. Jackson addressed them.

Gary Hart at the podium

Gary Hart also spoke.

Shirley Chisholm at the podium

Shirley Chisholm, who ran for President in 1972, was a popular speaker.

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