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On July 15, 1960, my mother took me to the L.A. Coliseum to hear John F. Kennedy accept the Democratic Party's nomination for President. She had been an ardent support of Adlai Stevenson and was disappointed that he didn't get a third bite at the apple, but she knew that this was an historic occasion. She wanted her 14-year-old daughter to see it, in person, and not on a TV screen.
Like their counterparts in 1960, Party planners chose the largest arena available for their candidate to accept the Democratic Party's nomination for President so ordinary members of the public could see history being made in person.
The new frontier of the 1960s was in the movements for civil rights and civil liberties that were just beginning. It was the youth of the 1960s who were providing the "new invention, innovation and imagination" that Kennedy called for. They did it with their bodies. On February 1, 1960 four black college students occupied the white-only seats of a five-and-dime lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. This was the start of the sit-ins which would shape so much of the sixties civil rights movement. Although the movement had started earlier, the idea of sitting in caught the imagination of American youth and inspired sit-ins all over the country.
However, there is another dream that was part of the New Frontier of the 1960s that is threatened with foreclosure. That is the dream of every American to speak, write and think freely, and to conduct their lives without government surveillance. The Cold War put a major crimp on civil liberties, as government agencies were allowed to persecute ordinary Americans under the banner of ferreting out subversives. In May of 1960 hundreds of Bay Area college students protested outside hearings held by the House Un-American Activities Committee, meeting in San Francisco's City Hall. They were washed down the steps with firehouses and 67 were arrested, but HUAC never came back to the Bay Area. This event marked the beginning of the movement to regain the civil liberties lost in the Cold War security fever. It took 40 years of struggle to restore civil liberties and rein in government intelligence gatherers.
The Democrats ignored that parallel in the speeches and the imagery of the last night of the convention. I hope they won't ignore it when they take back the federal government. See more photos on page 2