Part 2
2 3 4 5
We are now having staff meetings every Saturday at 11:00. While the timing
of them is probably to make sure we all come in that day, early,
I think
it's good to have them. My first few weeks here there were no staff meetings
and I really felt like I didn't know what was going on. I'm not all
sure the meetings are meant to be for our edification. They seem more
to propagandize us and tell us how to propagandize our state contacts.
For example, we have been constantly urged to scale down our expectations
of AC's performance in Iowa and New Hampshire. A memo on this subject
was circulated last fall. Since how a candidate does in these states
less important than how the press perceives him to do we, and I guess
the other campaigns, are trying to manipulate press expectations.
strategy is to divide the race into two levels. The first tier is a contest
between frontrunners Mondale and Glenn. The second tier is a contest
every one else. We want being first among the second tier (i.e. third)
to be perceived as an impressive victory. We don't want the press
to paint
the early races as ones between us and Glenn for second place, because
anything less than a clear lead over Glenn will be interpreted as
a defeat.
This strategy was put into place with a press conference December 15 in
which Sergio sounded very dismal about our prospects. I didn't go to the
press conference, don't know what he really said and know the press rarely
captures the nuances of anything, but I got a lot of negative feedback
on this from my states. The stories interpreted Sergio as "throwing
in the towel." My people were discouraged. This made me feel this
strategy had been counterproductive, but my suggestion to that effect
to Mark was pooh-poohed. Our job, we were told, was to correct this misimpression
among our state supporters by carefully clueing them into what we were
This staff meeting makes me think Sergio has shifted from manipulating
the expectations of the press to manipulating ours, or at least urging
us to manipulate those of our supporters. He made a point of saying that
we should not let our people expect more than a strong third in Iowa and
New Hampshire, and referred to the "lady from Minnesota here the
other day" as someone who had expectations that were too high. An
indirect rap on my knuckles I suppose. However, I think he's wrong about
this. It's necessary for our people to think we are doing well in order
to keep them from getting discouraged. So many people are supporting Mondale
when they like AC better because they think AC doesn't have a chance,
I can't see telling our best people that things aren't going well. Besides
the polls from Iowa and New Hampshire show we are moving up. The Des Moines
Register said that between September and November AC moved up 10 points
among those most likely to go to the caucuses. With 12 percent, we are
now within striking distance of Glenn who has dropped 11 points to 16.
Mondale dropped 4 to 42. The only other candidate to rise was Jackson
who went from 2 to 3 percent. McGovern stayed at 8 percent. Hart went
from 4 to 3 percent and Askew from one to zero. The key cause of our rise
was our two weeks of TV commercials just prior to the November polls.
In New Hampshire we are also third, but with only 6 percent. The Boston
Globe reported today the results of a poll done for an arms control group
by Pat Caddell between Dec. 21 and 29. Among registered Democrats and
independents eligible to vote in the Feb. 28 primary Mondale was preferred
by 32 percent; Glenn by 11 percent; AC by 6 percent; McGovern by 6 percent,
Hart by 4 percent, Jackson by 3 percent and Askew by 2 percent. Hollings
received no support. But 37 percent were undecided. The poll found that
79 percent favored a mutual nuclear freeze, but that Cranston has been
unable to capture a substantial following among freeze advocates. Sergio,
who reported these results, offered no explanation on why not.
Organizationally, the campaign is trifurcated. The top tier consists of
Iowa and New Hampshire, which get the lion's share of the resources. They
are the direct responsibility of Tom Pazzi, even though he resides in
the national office and each state has its own co-ordinator and staff.
The second tier consists of targeted states such as Alabama, Florida,
Washington, Maine, Massachusetts, Illinois and Wisconsin. These plus the
two fundraising states, New York and California, have full time staff
in them. They are states with early primaries or caucuses, in which we
have to do well to stay alive. The third tier consists of the remaining
states and other units which select delegates to the Democratic National
Convention. Mark Cohen is responsible for all states but Iowa and New
Hampshire. Under him are the Desk Officers, or APDs who run the non-targeted
states or act as liaisons for the targeted states. There are nine of us
right now. Not all of the 55 delegate selection units under Mark have
APDs in charge. A couple are run by volunteers out of their homes or who
come in evenings and weekends. A couple are run by Senate staffers, presumably
on their own time. And some are not yet run by anyone.
The National Office has three Groups: Message, Political and Finance.
The organization hasn't been constant over time and is still somewhat
fluid. There used by be a Field Director who was in charge of the targeted
states but he was assigned to travel with AC and Mark took over field.
Scheduling and Headquarters (i.e. administration) still report directly
to Pazzi even though Mark now heads the Political Group in which they
are ostensibly located. John Russonello is head of Message and Mike Novelli
is head of Finance. Under Message is Press and Issues. Russonello is also
the chief press officer. I'm not too sure what the issues people do except
answer questionnaires sent to us by groups considering endorsement, and
point staff to the file where issue papers are kept when we need one.
Issues Director Suzanne Farmer used to work in Field. Mark said she was
made head of Issues because "she didn't work out" in Field and
"besides, we needed to have a woman over there." Under Finance
is Treasury, Direct Mail and Fundraising. Treasury collects the money
as it comes in, processes it, files reports with the Federal Election
Commission, and pays the bills. Fundraising solicits donations, sends
out mailings and runs events. Its head, Sharyn Fallick, used to be the
National Finance Director, but Mike Novelli was brought in on top of her.
Monica told the NOW conventioneers that Fundraising was entirely composed
of women (true) and that more of the top people in our campaign were women
than in Mondale's campaign. That requires a broad definition of "top."
I don't know how Mondale's campaign is organized, but the five top honchos
in this one are all white men. There are three units headed by women under
these men, though it's not perfectly clear to me exactly how many units
there are, (depending on how they are counted it could be between 8 and
11). But these units, Fundraising, Issues, and Headquarters, only have
women working in them (except for volunteers). A very traditional arrangement.
Bragging about how many women head departments doesn't mean much when
the only people working under them are also women.
1/9/84 Frank Scheuren, our gay leader in Georgia, was hit by a car
last week and is laid up with a broken leg. He'll still try to make phone
calls for us but I had hoped he'd take a leadership position as he's very
committed and unemployed. I had suggested to Mark that if he hired a full
time person in Georgia, he might be the one. Frank was supposed to help
me slate the 8th CD, the one place where I have no one. (We had only two
people there on our lists: one turned out to be a registered Republican,
and the other had switched to Hollings). He said there is a thriving gay
community in Macon, which is in the 8th. I told him to feel free to put
together a completely gay slate, as long as it was sexually and racially
balanced. Now I wonder if we'll get anyone in the 8th.
Elaine Snyder as decided not to file for us in the 7th CD. She "talked
things over" with her friends and feels committed to go to the Mondale
caucus on Jan 28 to vote for a friend. However, she will send us a check
instead. I called another woman in the 9th CD who had previously agreed
to file. She is a nursing student in a far northern county, and has changed
her mind now that she sees how busy she is. My spiel about not having
to do anything but fill out the form fell on deaf ears.
I am just beginning to get a sense of how the different delegate selection
processes take place. I have not been able to see a copy of the DNC Convention
Call, as Mark is loath to loan his out and I haven't visited the DNC to
get one of my own. Most delegates are selected at the district level,
though additional delegates are selected at-large, and another set is
composed of party leaders and elected officials. Although each state is
a little bit different there are two main types of systems: primaries
and caucuses. In primary states, voters go to a polling place and vote
for their choice of either Presidential or delegate candidates. In caucus
states they congregate, often for several hours, at a designated place,
where they are counted. Both systems require a minimum of between 20 and
30 percent of the vote per unit to elect a single delegate. In caucuses
participants have the option of relocating if their first choice has less
than the threshold whereas in primary states if one's candidate fails
to meet the threshold in the particular unit (which can be no larger than
a CD but may be smaller) one's vote simply doesn't count. However, since
caucuses take a lot longer and are a lot more complicated, fewer people
participate. States also differ in their registration requirements. Cross-over
states merely require that one show up and declare oneself a Democrat.
Other states require that one be registered as a Democrat.
There are three types of primaries. Those states opting for proportional
representation allocate delegates in proportion to the percentage of the
primary vote won in the electoral district by the presidential candidates
meeting the threshold. South Dakota uses this system. Under the bonus
delegate plan, one delegate per electoral district is given to the winner
of the primary in that district, and the rest are distributed proportionally.
Georgia uses this system. Both states have caucuses prior to the primary
to determine rank orders of the delegates filed in each district for each
candidate. Whoever comes to those caucuses meets in candidate subcaucuses
to vote. In South Dakota there is an initial caucus in each State Senate
district, which in turn elects delegates to the CD or State convention
(there's only one CD in South Dakota). The latter vote on those who filed
for delegate. In Georgia there is only one caucus in each of the 10 CDs.
In both states, if no one shows for a candidate at the CD caucus, no delegates
can be elected. What happens if a candidate is subsequently entitled to
delegates in that unit as a result of the primary the party officials
have not yet decided.
A third type are direct election primaries in which the delegate candidates
are voted on directly. None of my states use this system, so I don't know
exactly how it works. My previous experience with direct election primaries
was with two very different types. In Illinois in 1972, each individual
delegate candidate filed petitions for a spot on the ballot and declared
the candidate to which they were committed, or if they were uncommitted.
I filed committed to Shirley Chisholm in Chicago's 1st CD that year because
that was the only way to get her name on the ballot. Twenty-four people
filed, eight of whom could be elected. The candidates had no control over
who filed in their names, or how many did so. The Daley Machine had eight
people file uncommitted. Needless to say, they were all elected. I came
in 9th, beating delegate candidates committed to McGovern and Kennedy,
as well as additional uncommitted. Under this system, delegate candidates
with well-known names and strong organizations have an edge. Current rules
may prohibit this, but I don't know for sure.
New York in 1976, each candidate filed delegates slates selected by the
candidate's representatives in each CD. While the delegate's names were
on the ballots, they were listed under that of their Presidential candidates.
I was a Fred Harris delegate. Voters picked the presidential candidate
they preferred, and then voted for those listed under that name. Although
not all the delegates pledged to a given candidate got the same number
of votes, in no case were delegates for two different Presidential candidates
elected in a CD. This created a de facto winner take all system. Having
a "name" did not help if you weren't pledged to the preferred
Presidential candidate in that district. Bella Abzug ran an uncommitted
slate with her name at the top in her former CD, but it lost to the Carter
1/10/84 Spent the morning looking up numbers in a New Hampshire
phone book and putting them on the computer printout. I suppose this is
for the phone bank there since we do the surveys here, though we weren't
told exactly what it was for, merely that everyone has to do it. I wonder
why we can't buy this.
After that I worked on North and South Dakota; a dismal task. North Dakota
has a caucus system much like that of Minnesota but only one CD. On a
designated day in March local caucuses elect representatives to a state
meeting. This is the equivalent of the CD caucus in states with more than
one CD. At the state meeting delegates are selected. A secretary in the
Party HQ sent me a xerox of a Congressional Quarterly article which explains
the procedure and likely outcome. I certainly couldn't figure it out by
reading the delegate selection plan. The article said ND usually sends
uncommitted delegates or ones committed to an issue cluster designated
by a subcaucus. Thus it doesn't sound like we'd get any delegates from
them if we tried, and we have nothing to try with.
We have three supporters in North Dakota. One is a politically active
lawyer in Fargo who said he'd organize the state for us, but backed out
in November. Leo Wilking said he'd decided to devote his scarce time to
some statewide campaigns. I think the real reason is that he couldn't
find any support for AC and like most pols prefers to lead only when he
knows he has followers. I had personally phoned all 52 of the State legislative
district chairs, and the best I could get was a promise by them to ask
around if anyone was interested in working for us. If they did, there
were no results. The party had its annual big bash November 19, this time
celebrating Sen. Quentin Burdick's 25 years in Congress. All the Presidential
candidates were invited to speak, though only McGovern accepted, and he
didn't show. The rest sent short tapes which were shown to a couple hundred
people. About 400 people cast straw poll ballots in which we practically
came in last with 1.4 percent. (Mondale 53.6, Glenn 13.4, Hart 10.4, Jackson
9.5, Hollings 4.4, McGovern 3.6, Others 1.4). I figure that's about six
votes and I can guess who two of them are (I sure wish I knew who the
other four were, but no one signed our sign up sheet).
It's not that people dislike AC. They just don't know anything about him,
and aren't too interested in Presidential politics right now. Neither
he nor a representative has been in the State, and there have been no
mailings. We recently bought a list of 2145 party activists (current officials
and past state convention delegates) but there's no money to send anything
to them. I asked our lawyer to draw up a plan of action for us given this
reality. Should we write off the state? Should we wait until the 900 or
so state convention delegates are selected and then hope we can blitz
them into supporting us (assuming we have the money to do so)? Or should
we wait until the National Convention delegates are selected, hope they
are not committed to another candidate, and work on them?
Our second supporter is Janet Cheney, an active NOW member, who sent me
some names to contact with the admonition not to use her name as the referent,
and who has a demanding job which leaves her no time to do anything for
us. She did make sure the literature I sent was put out, along with the
sign up sheet, and gave me a report on the meeting. She also took possession
of the tape afterwards so we'd know where it is in the state should we
need it.
Our third person called me a few weeks ago. Doug Nassif is a local freeze
activist, not active in the Party, but who may be able to mobilize some
grass roots support. What we can do with it I don't know. It's not enough
to organize a Cranston subcaucus by the deadline. I sent him some literature
and had him call Sally in Minnesota for ideas. She suggested he organize
a busload of people to go to Iowa and join their convoy in Minneapolis.
Doug feels he can do this, but we aren't sure we can use busloads of people
the weekend before Iowa and don't really have any place to put them should
they show up. What we want is a few people willing to spend a few weeks
there, not a lot of people who don't have much time. We're working Iowa
by phone banks, and its not feasible to put in phones for a weekend. Doug
did get a short blurb in the Bismarck Tribune on his organizing efforts,
even though they haven't happened yet. He tells me he has 25 supporters,
but hasn't sent any names.
In South Dakota I have four people, and one joined us because she's a
personal friend. All are heavily involved in demanding jobs and have little
time. None are party activists; they come from the peace and feminist
movements. However, they at least sent me lots of names. I have about
200 now, and have prepared a letter to send if I can ever get it out.
I was putting the names in the computer last November, when I learned
that we would be switching computer systems, and anything I did might
not transfer, so I stopped. I was also told that since SD has a June 5
primary it was on the low end of the priority list, and every other demand
on computer time would come first.
However, the deadline for filing for delegates is coming up. I read the
lengthy delegate selection plan and couldn't understand it at all so called
Larry Thompson, the SD Democratic Party's executive director. He said
no one else understands it either, and he wrote it. But it only took a
couple minutes for him to explain it. SD has a system similar to Georgia's
except there's only one CD and therefore only one CD caucus--on March
3 in Pierre, the state capitol. On Feb. 4 each State Senate district will
have caucus meetings in which the different candidate subcaucuses will
elect from 4 to 8 delegates to the CD caucus. Between Feb. 6 and 15 individuals
can file for delegate. They will be voted on by their individual candidate
subcaucuses on March 3 to determine the rankings for the 11 delegate and
3 alternate positions. Unlike Georgia, their names will be on the ballot.
We don't have 14 people and it's dubious we'd need them even if we're
flying high on June 5. But we don't want the ballot to show white space
so we need 14 filers. We also need at least one person willing to attend
a Senate district meeting to be elected by the Cranston subcaucus to the
CD meeting, and then attend it to elect the slate. That may be harder
to find than the 14 filers because Pierre is a town of 13,000 in the middle
of a large rural state, several hundred miles from our closest supporter.
If I can get my letter out, I'm hoping it will mine a few supporters,
or at least enough response for productive follow-up phone calls. But
I don't have much time left. Alex Thurber, our computer jocky, hasn't
written the data entry program for the new system, and also hasn't programmed
the computer to print the envelopes. However, most of my 200 names are
now in the computer under the mail/merge option, which means they'll have
to be re-entered to be on the permanent list. In the meantime, we have
run out of printed envelopes, so I will have to use blank ones with the
Cranston return address stamp, which is tacky. We have also run out of
return envelopes, which means I will have to ask addressees to supply
their own envelopes to respond to my query. My experience is that when
there is no envelope I only respond to things I'm very enthusiastic about,
and I doubt I'll find much of that for AC in SD. I'll settle for mild
interest, but the lack of return envelopes will cut into that response.
When I first wrote this letter in November we had several hundred return
envelopes but I can't find any now and no one knows what they might have
been used for. I should have hidden some. Everyone else in this office
hoards. It's a common reaction to scarcity in all social systems. On the
other hand it shouldn't have taken a month to get the copy approved (especially
since few changes were made).
from the envelopes, we don't have any literature to enclose, or any postage.
Our best brochure, "Duel with Destiny", is out of date, though
I'll use it if I can find enough of them. The issue papers and bio articles
don't provide a condensed review of AC's positions. Mark will make a special
requisition for the postage, but I'll get no help on the mailing and it
needs to go out very quickly if we are to get any delegates from it.
I called two of our four supporters and they said they'd file. Couldn't
reach the other two. Ina, my feminist friend, put me on to another supporter,
a student at USD. Caught up with him only to learn most of his time is
devoted to a nuclear waste dump initiative, with a February deadline.
He will file for us, and may make some phone calls to his friends, but
doesn't want to do anything public because he's working with some "pretty
conservative folk" on the initiative and doesn't want to alienate
them by association with so liberal a candidate.
I asked a Jackson supporter for a button for me, I also asked for one for
Cathy. Since she did call people in Poughkeepsie for me, however unproductively,
I should supply her with what's probably the only Jackson button in Dutchess
County. I got into an argument with the person who gave me the buttons.
She said it would be a "magnanimous gesture" for AC to throw his
support to Jackson. I told her what happen at the December 11 New York NDC
endorsement meeting where the local Jackson people sold us out. We knew
we had at least 50 percent of the votes, but 60 percent was necessary for
endorsement. NDC has several ballots with the lowest person dropping out
each time (except "no-endorsement" which always stays on). Once
the contest is down to two people, if a second ballot doesn't result in
an endorsement, no-endorsement wins. We were told that Jesse and Alan had
made a personal agreement that the former's support would be shifted to
us after he dropped off. But somehow this message wasn't communicated to
the local organizers, Deputy Mayor David Dinkins and Assemblyman Al Vann,
and they refused to honor it. Since all the local public officials support
Mondale, I suspect they had their own arrangement with them to thwart our
endorsement. On his last ballot, Jackson got 15.6 percent, we had 48.3,
Mondale had 32.1 and "no endorsement" got 4 percent. Dinkins and
Vann strongly urged their people to vote "no-endorsement" which
they did. On the fifth and final ballot AC got 53.2 percent, Mondale got
38.7 and "no endorsement" got 8 percent. We got about two inches
of press on this the next day, but none of the NDC resources that supposedly
come with an endorsement. I don't know all of resources we spent trying
to get this endorsement (I know we had a hospitality suite, and AC made
personal phone calls to many NDC delegates) but it was an expensive loss
for a resource scarce campaign.
My rendition of this sell-out to the DC Jackson supporter only elicited
her comment that they did the right thing. When I asked why we should support
Jackson in DC when we were sold out in New York, she said something to the
effect that as a white male "who has never been on a peace march"
Cranston should defer to a black leader of a social movement. I couldn't
figure out the logic of this and decided to leave before we exchanged hotter
The Gertrude Stein Club was permitting any member to vote; anyone could
join prior to the end of the balloting, and the membership fee had been
doubled to $25. The real contest was between Jackson and Mondale. Jackson
was supported by the city's black power structure, and anyone who wanted
a future in D.C. politics found supporting him to be the politically correct
thing to do. However, the speculation was that Mondale would "buy"
the endorsement by financing enough memberships. There was of course no
proof, merely speculation. I wonder how such an expense would be reported
on the FEC forms. I also wonder why the campaign would do this. Is it really
worth real money to get an endorsement, when each candidate's supporters
are going to work for him anyway, regardless of what the club does? The
nightly news said $15,000 was at stake as well as the club's mailing list.
I'm surprised that any club would have that kind of spare cash, the election
laws won't permit more than $5,000 to be donated to a single candidate and
the mailing list is worth more before the endorsement than after it when
people's commitment has jelled.
Each candidate was permitted three speakers, for five minutes each, and
questions. We were third. Jackson had Mayor Marion Barry, a local white
lesbian feminist, and the local black head of his campaign. There were a
couple hundred people in the rather small room, two TV cameras, several
reporters, and heaven only knows who else. A sign directed those who did
not want to be photographed to stay in the back of the room or the far side.
I don't know why gays who aren't out would be active in a Democratic Club,
but the front of the room had empty seats while in the back there was barely
standing room. It was virtually all white men. The few women were at least
half NOW representatives. There were fewer blacks. Both blacks and women
were proportionately greater among the speakers than among the audience.
The mayor made a crowd-pleasing speech. Jackson will "expand the base"
he said. The token feminist said "he knows oppression." First
hand, I thought. He's hardly a feminist, and I'm sure his wife isn't. Mondale
also had two men and a woman: his local gay co-ordinator, National NOW President
Judy Goldsmith, and a black AFL employee. Judy explained the careful search
NOW had made before making its historic first endorsement. Her main points
were that only Mondale could beat Reagan and everyone else in the progressive
community was supporting him. By this of course she meant the AFL, whose
lead NOW was following. When asked during the question period what kind
of legislation Mondale would support to end discrimination against gays
(only Cranston has sponsored the federal gay civil rights bill), she had
no answer. The Mondale crew won on the applause meter. Judy and the Mayor
were the only ones on the news that night.
We also had two men and a woman but half the audience left the room before
anyone spoke. Mark told how only AC has met the criteria set down by gay
organizations for their support. After pointing out that Mondale's promises
to the AFL and NEA left no room in his delegate slates for other groups,
he listed the states in which we are slating gays--including Georgia of
course. I thought to myself, we may be generous, but it's not because we
are having to make hard choices. In some of these states we'll take anyone
who can sign their name. Our gay co-ordinator gave a rather stilted speech;
he sounded nervous. Our lesbian co-ordinator was also supposed to be there
to speak on women and women's issues, and as a black known to the club she
would have been an asset. But she didn't show, so I was pressed into service.
I didn't have AC's record on women on the tip of my tongue, let alone a
prepared speech, but with a little notice I can speak for five minutes on
almost anything. We didn't get any questions.