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The 1976 Democratic Convention

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July 14 (Wednesday) women’s caucus

Barbara Jordan

Barbara Jordan at the Wednesday women’s caucus,

Scenes inside the convention:

Jesse Jackson

Jesse Jackson at the Caucus of Black Democrats

Barbara Mikulski

Barbara Mikulski in the upper balconies of the convention hall



Walter Mondale

Walter Mondale speaks

Bella Abzug

Bella Abzug listens

Carter slogan

Carter slogan

Scenes outside the convention:

The sidewalk in front of the Post Office across 8th Ave. from Madison Square Garden was set aside for protests. The press entrance was on that side so the media got a good view of the many different groups which had something to say. However, the delegates entrance was on the other side of the Garden, so they didn’t see the nightly protests unless they came looking for them.

Stop government spying

Stop Govt. Spying

Hare Krishnas

Hare Krishna

Stop ERA


Parental Rights

Parental Rights


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