A Feminist Perspective
1st Edition
edited by Jo Freeman
Publishing Company (1975 )
(Out of Print)
of Contents
Provides a comprehensive overview of women's condition
in the United States as of its 1975 publication date.
Combining feminist passion with a critical analysis of
existing studies on women, it quickly became the leading
textbook for introductory courses in women's studies,
which were themselves new to the curriculum.

Out of Print but
sometimes available used
by Jo Freeman
Part One: The Body and its Control
- Woman's Biology - Mankind's Destiny: The Population
Explosion and Women's Changing Roles
by Anne Wilson, Merry Bolt, and Wendy Larsen
-Female Sexual Alienation
by Linda Phelps
- Rape: The All-American Crime
by Susan Griffin
Part Two: In and Out of the Family
- The Origin of the Family
by Kathleen Gough
- Who Has the Power? The Marital Struggle
by Dair L. Gillespie
- Who Shall Care for Our Children? The History and Development
of Day Care in the United States
by Rosalyn F. Baxandall
Part Three: Growing up Female
- Sex-Role Socialization
by Lenore J. Weitzman
- The Double Standard: Age
by Inge Powell Bell
- The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Mother
by Pauline Bart
- Structural and Internalized Barriers to Women in Higher
by Pamela Roby
- How to Discriminate Against Women Without Really Trying
by Jo Freeman
Part Four: The Working Woman
- Women in the Labor Force: An Overview
by Francine D. Blau
- Women in the Professions: Psychological and Social Barriers
to Women in Science
by Martha S. White
- Women's Economic Status: Some Clichés and Some
by Shirley Bernard
- Working Poor Women
by Kathleen Shortridge
- Sex Discrimination in the Trade Unions: Legal Resources
for Change
by Gail Falk
Part Five: The Double Image
- Women in the American Novel
by Kimberley Snow
- The Paper Doll: Images of American Woman in Popular
by Kay F. Reinartz
- Sexism in Western Art
by Lyvia Morgan Brown
Six: Institutions of Social Control
- Feminism and the Law
by Mary Eastwood
- Why Witches Were Women
by Mary Nelson
- The Liberation of Black Women
by Pauli Murray
- Women in American Politics: An Overview
by Naomi Lynn
- Marriage and Psychotherapy
by Phyllis Chesler
- The Sexual Politics of Interpersonal Behavior
by Nancy Henley and Jo Freeman
- Women As A Minority Group
by Helen Mayer Hacker
Part Seven: Feminism
- The Historical Background
by Viola Klein
- The First Feminists
by Judith Hole and Ellen Levine
- The Women's Liberation Movement: Its Origins, Structures,
Impact, and Ideas
by Jo Freeman
The Spokeswoman, February 15, 1975, p. 9.
Goldstein, Rhoda Lois, Sociology: Reviews of New Books,
April 1975, pp. 135-6.
Mednick, Martha S., Contemporary Psychology, Vol.
20, No. 7, 1975, p. 596.
Silveira, Frances, Contemporary Sociology: A Journal
of Reviews, January 1976, pp. 26-7.
Southeastern Council on Family Relations, Books of
Interest to Family Specialists, 1977.