Others Have Said
Not all
of the information in these references is accurate, and some of it
is downright funny. Read with a discerning eye.
Newsweek, March 23, 1970, p. 73.
Biography Index, Vol. 8 (1971).
Who's Who in American Politics, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979.
American Men and Women of Science, 13th ed. S 1978.
Who's Who of American Women, 12th edition, 1981-1982; 23rd edition,
2002-2003, p. 432.; 25th edition, 2006-2007, p. 661.
Contemporary Authors, Vol. 61 (1976), Vol. 8NR (1983), Vol.
45NR (1995).
O'Neil, Lois Decker, ed., The Women's Book of World Records and
Achievements, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979, p. 704.
Contemporary Issues Criticism, (1982), pp. 196-200.
International Authors and Writers Who's Who, 9th ed., (1982).
The Writer's Directory, 1982-84 (1981), 1984-86 (1983), 1986-88
(1986), 1988-90 (1988), 1990-92 (1990), 1992-4 (1991), 1994-96 (1994),
1996-8 (1996).
Gatlin, Rochelle, ed., American Women Since 1945, Jackson,
Ms: U. Mississippi Press, 1987.
Ireland, Norma Olin, Index to Women of the World from Ancient to
Modern Times: A Supplement, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988.
Golemba, Beverly E.,Lesser-Known Women: A Biographical Dictionary
Boulder, Co. and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1992, p. 276.
Chaney, Carole Kennedy, Encyclopedia of Women in American Politics,
ed. by Jeffrey D. Schultz and Laura van Assendelft, Phoenix, AZ: Orix
Press, 1999, p. 87.
Who's Who in America, 56th edition, 2002. p.1749; 57th edition,
2003, p. 1744, and 58th edition, 2004, p. 1716.
FBI files # 100-SF-53628, 100-LA-68680, 100-HQ-446176, 173-HQ-2678.