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Women: A Feminist Perspective
5th Edition

edited by Jo Freeman

Mayfield Publishing Company (1995)


Table of Contents

Twenty years after publication of the first edition, this book shows a complete turnover of authors. Of the original contributors, only Jo and Nancy Henley remain, and their pieces have changed with each edition. In this edition, "feminism" has become a major topic as well as a perspective.


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Paperback edition


Preface by Jo Freeman

Introduction by Jo Freeman

Part One: Body Politics

- Sexual Terrorism
by Carole J. Sheffield

- Sexual Harassment: The Link Joining Gender Stratification, Sexuality, and Women's Economic Status
by Susan Ehrlich Martin

- Unwanted, Pregnancy and Its Resolution: Options, Implications
by Nancy Felipe Russo and Jody D. Horn

- Treating Health: Women and Medicine
by Barbara Katz Rothman and Mary Beth Caschetta

- The Sexual Politics of Interpersonal Behavior
by Nancy Henley and Jo Freeman

Part Two: Relationships, Family and the Life Cycle

- Gender and Families in the United States: The Reality of Economic Dependence
by Naomi Gerstel and Harriet Engel Gross

- Gender- Role Socialization: Lessons in Femininity
by Hilary M. Lips

- Supermoms and Second Shifts: Marital Inequality in the 1990s
by Janice M. Steil

- Motherhood: Contemporary Conflict for Women
by Michele Hoffnung

- Gray Clouds and Silver Linings: Women's Resources in Later Life
by Laurie Russell Hatch

Part Three: Work and Occupations

- Women in the Labor Force
by Nancy M. Thornborrow and Marianne B. Sheldon

- Women and Higher Education: Gender Differences in the Status of Students and Scholars
by Mary Frank Fox

- Women in Blue- Collar Occupations: Traditional and Nontraditional
by Brigid O'Farrell

- Clerical Work: The Female Occupation
by Evelyn Nakano Glenn and Roslyn L. Feldberg

- Professional Women: How Real Are the Recent Gains?
by Debra Renee Kaufman

Part Four: Words and Images

- Beauty Is The Beast: Psychological Effects of the Pursuit of the Perfect Female Body
by Elayne A. Saltzberg and Joan C. Chrisler

- Sex, Lies, and Advertising
by Gloria Steinem

- Sexism and the English Language: The Linguistic Implications of Being a Woman
by Karen L. Adams and Norma C. Ware

- Pornography: Conflict Among Feminists
by Gloria Cowan

Part Five: Institutions of Social Control

- The Revolution for Women in Law and Public Policy
by Jo Freeman

- A Generation of Change for Women in Politics
by Ruth B. Mandel

- Out of Order: A Critical Perspective on Women in Religion
by Martha J. Reineke

- What Price Independence? Social Reactions to Lesbians, Spinsters, Widows, and Nuns
by Rose Weitz

- Poverty and Welfare for Women
by Alice Abel Kemp

- Lady Versus Low Creature: Old Roots of Current Attitudes Toward Homeless Women
by Stephanie Golden

Part Six: Feminism in Perspective

- Feminists Before Feminism: Origins and Varieties of Women's Protest in Europe and North America Before the Twentieth Century
by Marlene LeGates

- From Suffrage to Women's Liberation: Feminism in Twentieth-Century America
by Jo Freeman

- Toward an Afra- American Feminism
by Carol Wayne White

- Keep Us on the Pedestal: Women Against Feminism in Twentieth Century America
by Susan E. Marshall

- Misogynists, Masculinist Mentors, and Male Supporters: Men's Responses to Feminism
by Michael S. Kimmel

Part Seven: Feminism and Diversity

- The Experiences of Minority Women in the United States: Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class
by Elizabeth M. Almquist

- Feminist Consciousness and Black Women
by Pauline Terrelonge

- Chicana Feminisms: Their Political Context and Contemporary Expressions
by Denise A. Segura and Beatriz M. Pesquera

- A Cloak of Many Colors: Jewish Feminism, and Feminist Jews in America
by Ilsa M. Glazer

- Lesbian Feminism and the Feminist Movement
by Lisa Ransdell



-Madden, Margaret E. Sex roles, v. 34, (April 1996), pp. 598-600

Amazon Customer Review by Megan Bardsley
July 26, 2000.


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